The architects of each generation have been representative of and responsive to the aesthetic climate of their times.”
-Stanley King, 1952 (Amherst College Class of 1903, President, 1932 – 46)

This interactive timeline captures different aspects of early Amherst College history between 1821 – 61. It overlays Amherst College architecture, architectural trends, and the tenure of presidents to reveal their relationships. While this project is not comprehensive, it uncovers and contextualizes the architectural legacy of early Amherst College presidents.

Much like how early Amherst College buildings were multifunctional, so was the work of early Amherst College Presidents Zephaniah Moore (1821 – 23), Heman Humphrey (1823 – 45), Edward Hitchcock (1845 – 1854), and William Stearns (1854 – 1876). In addition to their administrative, teaching, and even evangelical duties, early Amherst Presidents had a responsibility towards contributing to the College’s physical environment by influencing the design and location of Amherst buildings. View the timelines of their tenure below to visualize how this coincides with the Federal, Italianate, Greek and Classical Revival styles, respectively.